Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leading Organizational Changes Samples for Students -Myassignment

Questions: 1.Develop at least Six Realistic Assumptions that you can add to the Issues and Problems Expressed. 2.In reference to the Classic article by Larry Greiner (Reading 10), Explain what is happening between growth and Change in BTS.3.How does the Problem Statement for BTS resemble what Gersick Indicates about a Systems Deep Structure?4.In reference to the article by Dailey and Browning Explain how and why Narratives and Storytelling was useful to the Company.5.Refer to Chapter 6 of Hayes (2014) under the heading Collaborative Modes of Intervening. Discuss which Modes might Change Agents in BTS use and Why?6.Given the Typology of Organisational, which typology may best Describe the approach that BTS Might Adopt and Why? Answers: 1.Development of realistic assumptions The developments of the realistic assumptions are as follows: Management- From the given case study, it could be assumed that, BTS lacks efficient management. Since the company is a 60 years old company, hence, it is largely owned mainly by the family, and thus, have a centralized decision making structure (Armenakis and Harris 2009). This management is rigid and is not flexible to accept much change in the organization. Change process- While few changes have been experienced by the organization the changes have been evolutionary, which came through incremental process. However, the company has not undergone drastic change (Burnes 2004). Managerial information system- BTS lacks an efficient and robust database. The lack of robustness results in lack of improvement with the pace of the rest of the world. 2.Relation between changes in BTS and growth Technology- The case study highlights the fact that, the workers are comfortable enough in working with the same old technology, without much need for up gradation. Thus, there is almost no modernization of technology in BTS. The article by Greiner highlights the position of the growing organization and is of the opinion that a growing company moves through five phases of development. The evolution and revolution of the company is dependent on the size of the company. BTS is not a very large company. It is a medium sized company, having a history of 60 years and a very rigid board. The growth of the company has been a slow one, since the company has not changed much in the past few years. The company has been adhering to the policies laid by the founder George, and does not wish to accept revolutionary changes. The various stages of evolution of the company BTS is dependent on the size and age of the company (Greiner 1972). Most of the companies having a steady growth does not expand for two years. The stages of revolution include substantial periods of turbulence. It is to be highlighted that BTS is having steady growth since it has ever faced any crisis. One of the major crises that is faced by the orga nizations, which hinders the growth of a company is leadership style (Hayes 2014). However, BTS has never faced such crisis. This is because, George and his son has been leading the company and its employees, in a particular leadership style. However, with new generation having MBA from Australia has been recruited in the company, thus, bring in changes in the leadership styles (Please see Appendix 1). The changes in the leadership style bring in changes in the perception of the new leaders. However, the company and its employees do not welcome the new perspectives. When the company was started, it was well managed by George and there were no issues regarding the leadership styles (Malhotra and Hinings 2015). However, with the grand children taken over, significant leadership changes have been witnessed. These new leaders have different perceptions and they have been trying to give the company a new direction. Hence, BTS have been facing the issues of leadership (Please see Appendix 2). Moreover, the assumption that the database lacks robustness could be mitigated using a change in technology, that would upgrade the technology of the database. This article by Malhotra and Hinings (2015), has a different opinion. This article highlights the fact that organizational changes are initiated out of organizational crisis. According to Malhotra and Hinings (2015), change is a continuous process and it needs to be managed continuously, by the managers and leaders. The appendix 3 highlights the process of continuity and changes. The new leadership style highlights the fact that changes are inevitable and the necessary changes in the process of work and working style needs to be done, as and when required (Malhotra and Hinings 2015). According to the figure 3, appendix 3, the case of BTS is proposing very high gravity of initiatives. As mentioned in the case study, the new generation leaders Tommy and Khadija wishes to bring about revolutionary changes in the organization. however they are inclined towards using the awareness blocking model, rather than the use of the awareness building model (Murray 2012). Since BTS do not have an e fficient MIS, hence the required changes needs to be communicated to the board members. The contrast between the articles by Malhotra and Greiner is the difference in the organizational growth. The article by Greiner highlights the fact that organizational changes are caused by evolution and revolutional changes Malhotra and Hinings (2015). However, the article by Malhotra suggests that organizational changes are caused form the organizational crisis. 3.Resemblance of problem statement of BTS and systems deep structure Gersick 1991, highlights the resemblance between the problem statement of BTS and the deep structure. The deep structure is one of the fundamental structures that determine the basic acidity of the organizations. This structure is one of the most stable structures since the choices made by the organization, rules out many other options. The board of BTS falls under the deep structure, since it has been working in a stable manner, and has not faced crisis (Y?lmaz and K?l?o?lu 2013). The deep structure is closely related to the drivers of change. in drivers of changes include the worldwide reduction of the barriers of investments, along with the market liberalization and adoption (Dailey and Browning 2014). The drivers of change in case of BTS includes the turbulent environment, organizational capability, smaller flexible companies, high skill of the workforces, new service industries, deregulation, advances in the technology (Tushman and OReilly 1996). One of the major drivers of chan ge in BTS is the turbulent environment. The work environment of BTS is in demand of revolutionary changes. This is a major driver of change in BTS. Moreover, highly skilled workforces in BTS prefer change in the organization, such that they are able to exhibit their innovation, might be a major driver of change. Since the company BTS has been taken over by the new and able leaders, they could conduct PESTEL analysis to determine the external forces that affects the organization, along with the SWOT analysis, in order to find the internal factors that affects the company. The conduction of PESTEL and SWOT would assist the new leaders to identify drivers of changes, other than the other mentioned ones. Though the changes are important and inevitable, yet some dilemmas are encountered. These include the renewal of culture, the intentional planning verses the adaptive thinking, radical transformation, empowerment as well as incremental changes. The cultural dilemma is faced, since BTS have been working in a particular culture for 60 years, which needs to be changed suddenly. Moreover, the process of adaptive thinking is opposite to that of the deep structure (Stoltzfus et al. 2011). The boards of BTS is a believer of the deep structure and hence not open to adaptive thinking. Along with these cultural dilemmas, the cognitive bias is also a factor, that does not welcome new changes. The members of the board are biased and are not open to accept the ideas of Tommy and his sister (Vaara et al. 2016). There is a great resemblance in the problem statement of BTS and the deep structure. Both of these abide by the old methods and traditions of the organization. The old and conventional meth ods are strict enough and are contradictory to the outlook of the new leaders Tommy and Khadija. Moreover, as the grandchildren tries to introduce the new culture, the board members are not ready to accept the changes. Moreover, the deep structure described by Gersick is similar to the problem that exists in BTS. The similarity among the two strengthens the fact that the board members of BTS is rigid and not ready to accept the changes. 4.Usefulness of narrative and storytelling to the company The article by Dailey and Browning sheds light on the significance of narrative and storytelling. The process of narrative and storytelling is important for business organizations. The organizational changes and the practices need to be communicated to the new generations of the organization (Waddell et al. 2011). The significant milestones of the company along with the important events of the past, that had a major impact on the organization is done in storytelling and narrative. The process of narrative and storytelling is applied in BTS and the tradition of the company is moved down to the next generations. The process of narrative and storing telling has a significant role to play in the company BTS. The style of management and leadership that is taken up by the new leaders includes the various important features that were there previously. Modjo retained the basic principles followed by George such as the organizational values, rewards to the employees, sick leaves given to the employees (Waddell et al. 2011). This was as a result of narrative story telling. Thus, narrative and storytelling is effective in BTS. However, as Tommy and Khadija came in picture, the narrative and storytelling had a break. This is because they preferred a revolutionary change in BTS rather than adhering to the old ways of work. The narrative and storytelling is important since the value, mission and vision of the founder is retained. However, while the narrative and storytelling is good for evolutionary changes, the revolutionary changes could not be facilitated. The various forms of narrative and storytelling that are useful in case of BTS are as follows: Gaining control of the behavior and patterns are obtained (Harper 2015). The resistance could be overcome by using narrative. Thus, narrative and storytelling has an essential role to play in the organizational changes. Thus, narrative and storytelling is essential and the process needs to be retained in BTS (Waddell et al. 2011). 5.Modes that might change agents in BTS Collaborative modes of intervening refer to the joint methods and collaboration among the employees, in order to bring in significant change in the organization. The change agents assist the work with the clients to help them to develop opportunities. However, various factors might contribute to becoming a barrier in this process. Emotional turmoil such as anger and stress might also act as a barrier. The board members did not welcome the changes that were being initiated by Tommy and Khadija in BTS. Both of them were being welcomed with resistance to the organizational changes that they initiated. The modes that might change agents in the company BTS could be explained using the Theorizing approach. This approach involves the change agents by identification of the theories and concepts that assists the people to identify the needs for the changes (Tushman and OReilly 1996). The mode of intervening could be used to convince the board members to accept the change, by making them under stand the necessity of the changes. The concept of theorizing could be used to make the board members understand the need of the changes that were being introduced by Tommy and Khadija. In the theorizing method, the board members are presented with a theory, that assists them to understand the problem as well as plan remedial actions (Harper 2015). Since both Tommy and Khadija were highly educated, hence they had already analyzed the SWOT and PESTEL of BTS, and based on the analysis, they were proposing the changes (Tushman and OReilly 1996). Devised with the analysis of the factors that affects the organization most, the grandchildren had proposed for the necessary changes for BTS (Harper 2015). However, the board members were believers of deep structures and were not being convinced to accept the changes brought in by Tommy and Khadija. Thus, the revolutionary changes that were planned by the grandchildren were retarded, thus hampering the production and organizational progress. 6.Typology that is best suited in BTS The process of reorientation includes redefinition of the business organization. This process is initiated with the anticipation of the future. The aim of the process of reorientations is to ensure the effective future of the organization. In case of BTS, the theory of reorientation could be used, to bring in the changes in BTS. With the combination of the two dimensions of changes, organizational typology of change could be designed. The process of reorientation could be used effectively in order to bring in the organizational changes. The process of reorientation involves the changes in the organizational process, and alignment with the new changes (Tushman and OReilly 1996). Using this in BTS, might be successful in bringing in the new changes successfully. Moreover, Tommy and Khadija could be successful in convincing the members of the board, to understand the need for the proposed changes, and accept it. Hence, the reorientation typology is best suited for BTS. With the process of reorientation, the board members could be reoriented to accept the changes, by understanding the effective of the changes for the benefit of the organization (Harper 2015). The reorientation typology is best suited for the BTS Company, as the members, processes and the basic organizational culture needs to be reoriented to match the leadership of the new leaders, Tommy and Khadija. Hence, this typology is successfully recommended for BTS (Tushman and OReilly 1996). Thus, to conclude it might be stated that BTS is in need of organizational changes, which would enhance the organizational production and procedure, along with achievement of customer satisfaction. Tommy and Khadija, the grandchildren of the founder George, were initiating the changes. Thought the changes are beneficial for the company, yet the board members against the revolutionary change that was being initiated by the grandchildren. Thus, organizational changes are inevitable; to keep pace with the progress of the world, and for BTS also, change cannot be resisted. References Armenakis, A.A. Harris, S. G. (2009), Reflections: Our journey in organizational change research and practice. 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