Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Am My Top Priority Essay - 1686 Words

My top priority is to further develop empathy immediately upon returning. My lack of empathy is evident through each module and the Johari Window whether it is intellectual empathy, recognition of others, or in being emotionally present. Each negatively affects professional relationships, closes my mind to others’ perspectives, and truly limits my effectiveness. Thus, I will meet with the Deliberate Development (DD) consultant, a PhD-level coach, twice a month and accomplish training with her beginning with empathetic listening. Although this will be a long-term process, I will know I’m meeting my goal through 90-day and 180-day feedback sessions with my commander and peers. I will attain this goal, and a coach possesses the skills and tools to assist me. Second, I need to clean my own house. Based on the Johari’s Window, I have a few personal struggles I need to address through counseling. These directly impact my leadership as I tend to over-compensate for each which negatively affects my â€Å"Worry Over Image† and â€Å"Drive for Success†. Simply, leaders need clean wells to drink from. I will schedule an appointment through Mental Health to determine and work on the root cause for these immediately upon my return and attend needed follow-up appointments. This is an attainable goal and is relevant and realistic. A measure and timeline on this are difficult, but I will be able to gauge progress in the same 90-day and 180-day feedbacks as addressing this will support myShow MoreRelatedMy Top Three Priorities in Life Essay676 Words   |  3 PagesMy Top Three Priorities in Life As I get older my priorities in life change. When I was in my teenage years my three main priorities were me, myself and I. In my early twenties working, having fun and buying things were my priorities. Now that I am older my priorities in life have shifted. 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(IF THIS APP SAYS PLAGARIZED I CAN SHOW PROOF IT

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