Monday, May 18, 2020

Evolution Of Humans Human Biology And Early Culture Essay

Evolution of Humans No one can be absolutely sure when the first humans actually walked the Earth, only approximations can be made. Approximately 200,000 years ago species are developed in Africa. Most human species and most human biology and early culture in its broadest sense originated in Africa. Archaeologist and anthropologist may have been able to pinpoint exactly where the early human species lived and approximately how long ago they lived but are their assumptions correct? A huge part of history is based on assumption, there are many ways anthropologists and archaeologist came to these assumptions. They looked at climate, tooth decay, physical bones, and many other distinctions. These main three climate, tooth decay, and physical bones make the most sense to me, because newer and more accurate evidence can be pulled from these three distinctions. Looking at climate can be a huge part of when human evolution began. The climate during the last 6-7 million years when hominins e volved to modern humans was characterized by high variability. Climate can show many things an example that could be found is a river from millions of years ago that is now buried below land. This river can show hominins might have lived in that particular area, or that they could have been ago to live in that area. Research shows the importance of fresh water availability is for hominin survival, and it says that the need for swift and efficient movement between ever shrinking sources ofShow MoreRelatedThe Development Of The Pair Bond1513 Words   |  7 PagesIn our culture the relationship most often discussed when describing human interaction and that which is considered the most â€Å"ideal† or â€Å"normal† relationship (demonstrated by cultural morality and various forms of media) is that of the male-female couple. 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